Saturday, December 24, 2011

What for effects have certain sounds on your chakra's?

As you understand sounds creating certain vibration in order for us to hear them.


These same vibrations can also react on your chakra and meditation ways,


by getting received my the hearing and send them straight to the brain where they get mixed up certain brain waves, that un their turn transform these waves in energy and send them to the needed locations that use the specific energies and so enlarging certain energies from your chakra's so that these energies power your spiritual body up in better ways then they already do from nature.

This powering up can become a big advantage for the working of the chakra's to enlarge the functions as well due this.


The frequency of each sound combination is different like for example hearing the wind blow and the sea softly rushing and then become a little stronger slowly in sound. This can make the chakra become on natural ways stronger and let the flow of energy run through your spine from chakra to chakra. Also real music sounds that soft can trigger this energy up effect and allows you to take the full advantage of the positive functions of the certain chakra it triggers. When you would use the wrong vibrations it could have a similar effect only then the bad functions of your chakras.


Click here to read more about chakra's and sound!

Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation.


The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe. Reciting Sanskrit mantras; chanting devotional music, and working with other effective sound technologies are very soothing and effective. The vibrations of sound can be a healing force, and Sanskrit sounds are among the most profound tools for this form of vibrational healing.



The word “mantra” means “that which saves you when meditated upon.”


Sanskrit is a living language of light—the language of the Gods—and is known to be the oldest, most sacred form of sound vibration. Mantras are energy-based sounds that quiet the mind; energize prana (life force); and create inner clarity, power, and harmony. Singing devotional mantras also opens the heart and allows the experience of pure grace and unity. It also alows you to go on a Astral journey by letting you be guided by these sounds in combination with the right mantra’s.

Want to read more about the influences of music and mantra's when meditate click here!

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